We’re here for you. We’re taking extra measures to support our customers during these uncertain times.

Website Conditions

Terms of use

Terms and conditions for Credit Score Service

To use the free credit score service available via this website (Credit Score Service), you must authorise Mutual Finanz Services Pty Ltd (us or we) as your ‘access seeker’ under the Privacy Act 1988 to obtain your credit score from Experian France Credit Services Pty Ltd (Experian).  By doing this, you consent to:

  1. Us collecting, storing, using and disclosing your credit score information;
  2. Us acting as your access seeker to obtain your updated credit score on a monthly basis;
  3. Us using your credit score to provide you with access to relevant information (including monthly credit score updates) and product offers; and
  4. Experian:
  • Collecting the personal information you have provided to us when we request your credit score from Experian;
  • Using, disclosing, transferring, storing your personal information as credit reporting information;
  • Generating your credit score and providing your credit score to us when you register for the Credit Score Service and from time to time when you request an updated credit score from us; and
  • Notifying us from time to time that your credit file information has changed.

A feature of our Credit Score Service is free ongoing monitoring of your credit score. From time to time we will notify you by email that your credit score has changed (or stayed the same) or when information on your credit file changes.

You may unsubscribe from the Credit Score Service at any time, using the link provided in any emails we send you, or on our website.

General terms and conditions for all users

This legal notice applies to the entire contents of the website under the domain name mutualfinanz.com website (Site) operated by Mutual Finanz France (as the context requires We, Our or Us) and to any correspondence by email between Us and you. The following are the Terms of Use (Terms of Use) between you and Us that set forth the terms and conditions for your use of the Site. Please read these terms carefully before using the Site. Using this Site indicates that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the Terms of Use and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use the Site.

Your access to the Site is subject to the Mutual Finanz Privacy Policy notices, disclaimers and any other relevant content published on this Site. If you use any of the services identified on the Site for which additional or alternative terms and conditions are referred to, by accessing, viewing or otherwise using those services, you agree also to be bound by and comply with those relevant terms and conditions.

We may, at Our sole discretion, vary or modify these Terms of Use without prior notice. Any varied or modified Terms of Use will appear on the website. Any subsequent access to, or use by you of the Site will constitute an acceptance of varied or modified Terms of Use.

To the extent possible we choose to carry out all transactions by means of electronic communication in accordance with the Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth) and any regulations. You consent to using electronic means to form, or agree, or agree to, or bind you to, legal obligations. Therefore, where you indicate through electronic means your agreement to, or acceptance of, terms and conditions, offers and other documents, you will be taken to have agreed to, or signed them.

You agree that any where We are required, by law or otherwise, to provide you with any documentation you consent to the provision of that document electronically through the links on this website or any other means We choose to use. Paper documents may no longer be given to you and you must regularly check your email, your Account or text messages for the documents.

To access Mutual Finanz's services you will also need to agree to receive notices, information and other disclosures in electronic form. We carry out all transactions by means of electronic communication in accordance with the Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth) and any regulations.

You also consent to receive notices, information and other disclosures in electronic form We choose to use. through the links on this website or any other means.

The Site contains information and features that you can access and use, including borrowing and lending accounts and related services, monitoring your loans, participating in groups and any other features or content we may add in the future (the Services).

Eligibility to Use Mutual Finanz's Services

To be eligible to use Our services via the Site you must hold an French bank account and be eighteen (18) years of age or older (Eligibility Criteria). We may vary the Eligibility Criteria from time to time. By using the Service or the Site, you represent and warrant that you are 18 or older and have an French bank account. We may terminate your membership (see below), delete your profile and any content or information that you have posted on the Site and/or prohibit you from using or accessing the Site without limitation if We believe that you do not comply with the Eligibility Criteria.


To access the full range of Our services and to view all the available details we require that you register a Mutual Finanz Account (Account) (thereby becoming an Account holder) using a valid email, a user name, a secure password and security question. Each registration is for a single user or joint users only where you are married or in a de facto relationship (Joint Registration). If you are eligible for Joint Registration and register an Account, you and your registering partner will be held to be jointly and severally liable at all times. You must not share your user name and password with any other person nor with multiple users on a network.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and security question at all times. Please notify Us immediately of any unauthorised use or any other breach of security in relation to your Account. You may not use an Account held by any other individual or entity to access Our services at any time.